Today I asked my students to think of a recent experience when they were fully engaged, be it at work, in school or with some other endeavor.
I asked them to think of an instance when time slowed down, they were hyper-focused, and they were both cognitively and emotionally dedicated to the work at hand.
Then I asked them to find a partner and share their stories.
The room erupted with the kind of energy and enthusiasm that can only be associated with people who are reminding one another what it feels like to be fully alive.
So I ask you, when did you last feel that way? What kind of recent, dedicated work has made you feel fully alive?
For me, it was the one hour and fifty minutes I spent with my students today. Time slowed down, I was hyper focused and I was both cognitively and emotionally dedicated to the work at hand.
Fully engaged equals fully alive.
Photo by Alex Andrews on