Q: How do you build a motivated team?
A: Hire people who are already motivated.
Q: How do you build an energized and creative accounting firm?
A: Hire energized and creative accountants.
Q: How do you create a dynamic and responsive customer service team?
A: Hire dynamic and responsive customer service professionals.
Recruiting and hiring is everything. There are no examples I know of where the wrong people ended up creating the best thing.
Yes, there are times when you can’t hire the level of experience you want. But you can always train for competence. What you can’t do is motivate someone who doesn’t want to be motivated or expect people to be energized, creative, responsive and dynamic when they have demonstrated none of those qualities in their interview.
I believe in development as much as anyone. And I have learned first-hand that investing in development is a decision to play a long game. If you don’t start with the right ingredients you will be waiting forever.
And you don’t have that kind of time.
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