It’s Wednesday. You’re busy. Your week is flying by and you don’t have time to read this post.
Take a breath. (Count to 4 on the inhale and 4 again on the exhale. Repeat if you so desire)
D e e p b r e a t h.
Ok, then, just a quick thought experiment before you get back into the mix. Do you have just another moment for that? Here it is:
- Who are you at your “natural best”?
- Have you been at your natural best this week?
- If so, how did that feel?
- If not, what’s in the way?
You and me? We’re both much happier and we’re certainly more engaged when we’re operating at our natural best.
Something to consider, here on a busy Wednesday. Because, of course, none of this will ever work as well as it can if we’re all busy doing impressions.
Time for the real thing. Time for you and me to shine.
Photo by Jay Fauntleroy on
HT to the ever thoughtful Andy Wong.