“Nothing in the cosmos operates independently. We are all holons, which are simultaneously whole in themselves, and at the same time part of a larger whole.”
– Ilia Delio, Center for Action and Contemplation, 2014
I was just wondering how it might shift someone’s perspective about another person if his or her starting assumption is that that person is whole.
What would it do for a team if the leader’s starting assumption about that team is that it is made up of whole people who come together to form a larger whole?
What would it do for an organization, regardless of how large, if its value system centered on the inherent wholeness of each individual as central to the wholeness of the enterprise?
This is not whole as “complete” or “finished.” This is whole as in an independent entity that is connected to and integrated with every other independent entity.
I think there would be more respect and more reliance. I think there would be more generosity and more reciprocity.
I think it would both scare us and thrill us to learn how much is possible when we embrace the depth of our connection.
Photo by David McEachan on Pexels.com