Sunday: “They preferred the name of the tree
to the taste of the apple.” (from Among the Intellectuals, Tony Hoagland)
Monday: Put out into deep water. Go to the depths that frighten you. Find there, in the shadowy darkness of the water, a revelation of who you are.
Tuesday: Whole people with whole lives are here today, including myself.
Wednesday: …a reminder of the ways I allow myself to stay stuck in “good enough” when just one small action would open the door to an even better way to live.
Thursday: “The concept of praxis . . . refers to our participation in the shaping of the world in which we live.” (Denis Edwards)
Friday: It is imperative that we acknowledge, finally, that the prison cell we have created is not locked, and it never was.
It is both a pleasure and gift to sit in the cool, quiet air of a September Saturday morning and reflect on the week that was.
I celebrated this week, taught this week, traveled this week, coached this week, consulted and conversed. I had full days of comings and goings and quieter days of reflection and planning.
The week began with the celebration of a wedding anniversary and ended with the celebration of the life of a friend’s mother.
This week I experienced the universal in the particular, the bumpy and uncertain ways each of us is navigating our experience, imperfectly attempting to reconcile ourselves to the unknown by holding on to what we know.
The current of life flows and flows and flows. It is always happening. It is always happening right now, another chance in an unknown number of chances to choose the deeper water or the safety of the shore.
Photo by Francesco Ungaro on