It’s hard to see when you’re under water.
It’s hard to see under water because when you open your eyes it’s blurry and incomplete. There are forms and figures that are familiar but not quite themselves. Perception of distance is compromised, as is your confidence to move forward.
Trying to see under water is a lot like trying to navigate any significant change.
It helps to have goggles. Good ones. The kind that don’t fog up no matter what.
Since change – significant change – is inevitable, it’s important to always have your goggles at the ready. So you can see as clearly as possible as you make your way through the dark water.
The question then is this: who and what are your goggles?
Is it your internal compass? Your values? Your relationships? Your capacity for enormously challenging conversations? Your empathy and regard for others? Your humility?
Whatever it is, have it ready. Prepare it and tend it. You will need it sooner that you think.
Photo by Anton Avanzato on