“In general, you can lead people (only) as far as you have gone.
Transformed people transform people.”
– adapted from Richard Rohr
During the World Series game on Friday night a commentator said that a pitcher was forcing his power instead of relying on his mechanics to produce smooth power.
This reminded me of the difference between the leader who relies on hierarchical authority and the one who relies on experiential authority.
The hierarchical leader tends to be less secure with himself and projects that insecurity onto others in the form of unnecessary controls and unrealistic demands. He operates at a distance, afraid to know or be known because doing so requires vulnerability.
The experiential leader feels secure in himself because he has already confronted his insecurities. He has experienced the transformation of the facade of power into the smooth power that emerges from the mechanics of humility. He operates close in, curious to learn about the human condition, and how that knowledge can lead to individual, team and organizational success.
Smooth power looks effortless because the hardest work has already been done.
DAVID BERRY is the author of “A More Daring Life: Finding Voice at the Crossroads of Change” and the founder of RULE13 Learning. He speaks and writes about the complexity of leading in a changing world. Connect with him on Twitter at @berrydavid.