IMG_2140The more you keep moving, the more intersections you will come to. The more intersections you come to, the more choices you will have. The more choices you have the more possibility you will discover.

You can choose to wade into shallow water that will quickly become deep. Perhaps you are called to do something that frightens you, that threatens to overwhelm you. And it might. Or it might buoy you, turning into a swift current that carries you to what you long for. You won’t know until you get in.

You can choose to walk on the soft sand, each footstep sinking in and pulling you down. Perhaps you are called to reconnect to something once cherished, a place or relationship to which you hope to belong in a new way. The sand may exhaust you. And it may turn to firmer earth that supports a quicker pace. You won’t know until you start walking.

You can choose to scale the rough wall, each hand and foothold scraping at your resolve. Perhaps you are called to confront an old belief, a tired adaptation that begs to be released. The wall may daunt you, its vertical certainty demanding every ounce of your limited resolve. And it may at last offer an unobstructed view to a new understanding. You won’t know until you start climbing.

Keep moving forward, turning into the choices that unlock the possibility of your life.

DAVID BERRY is the author of “A More Daring Life: Finding Voice at the Crossroads of Change” and the founder of RULE13 Learning. He speaks and writes about the complexity of leading in a changing world, especially the parts where he doesn’t handle it very well.

Published On: April 8th, 2015 / Categories: inspiration, leadership / Tags: , , , /

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